We need new blood!

November 21

The problem with many organizations today

Joanna was a 25-year active member of a local organization.  She had served in many capacities in her organization and was serving on the nominations committee, whose job it was to develop a slate of officers for the new year.  The committee was discussing the qualifications of various members, and one of the members Sadie said,  “Well if you ask me, we need new blood.” Joanna looked confused, “What do you mean?” Sadie answered, “we have some of the same ole members serving over and over again.  It’s time for new people with new ideas.” Joanna was offended and told Sadie. “Sure, let’s get some new individuals as nominees but let’s appreciate the ones we have who bring experience to the table.” 

Max was the school superintendent of a medium-sized school district and he was known for encouraging teachers to retire early.  After all, he could hire people he wanted and also get “new blood,” as he liked to brag.  He had some top-notch award-winning teachers in his school, but frequently he would talk about how he had found this new teacher who was going to bring innovative and futuristic ideas to the school.  Max also sold his board on the fact that with the teacher shortages in some areas, they should give “sign-on” bonuses to new people. They didn’t discuss any recognition or extra pay for their current employees.

Both Max and Sadie devalued the individuals who had served in their roles and had experience.  They insulted the people who were working hard for the organization. Both were engaged in put-downs of individuals with experience.  They were biased against those individuals, and without realizing it, they were engaged in discriminatory practices. 

A term coined by  African American psychiatrist Chester Middlebrook Pierce in 1978

(Pierce, Carew, Pierce-Gonzalez, and Willis, 1978) known as microaggressions,  deals with insults and slurs in the context of racial comments and actions, but the term has broadened to include individuals who may have a disability or individuals who are of a different religious background or any other group.  The term can certainly be applied to the statements that both Sadie and Max made.  They were insulting those who were older with more experience.

We want to think that they were making these comments unintentionally, but perhaps they were not.  They may have been the kind of people who were never satisfied with what they had, and we’re always looking for the magic power of someone or something new. What they may not realize is that they are being destructive to the future of the organization or school system.

We probably all know people who are never happy with what they have and always want new furniture, new clothes, or a new car.  Is it normal to want something new?  Yes, it is, but sometimes we realize the new is not as good as what we had. We have to reflect on what we have, appreciate it, and adjust to the new.  However, if we throw it all out, we may find ourselves wishing we had some of the old back.

Strong organizations, schools, and other businesses, for that matter, will only grow when they have experienced individuals and those new individuals who bring novel ideas into the system, appreciating the value of everyone.  Those groups who are quick to push out the experienced individuals in the hope of new blood and, perhaps in some cases, cheaper hires hurt their organization.  Many years ago, the state of Illinois offered incentives for educators to retire; policy-makers thought that getting rid of the “old” and replacing them with new and cheaper employees was going to be a tremendous saving to the state.  It not only de-valued the educators with experience, but it was short-sighted.  There was a brain drain of educators that has now resulted in a teacher shortage.  Now schools find themselves looking for substitutes who are retired teachers. As a friend of mine said, “Now I go into a school and they treat me so well, almost like royalty.  If they would have treated me that way before, I would have never left.”

A few years ago, an unnamed large school district hired building principals who had business backgrounds. They were charged with cutting the teachers who were at the top of the salary schedule.  One of the building principals failed the test of being subtle; he walked into a 30-year veteran award-winning teacher’s classroom at the end of the day and told her he was going to terminate her at the end of the school year. 

We also see a trend that has emerged known as sign-on bonuses.  Companies want to hire people, so they are offering thousands of dollars to new employees.  In many cases, they are offering nothing to their loyal employees.  The message is we don’t value you; we want new.

It’s time we value and respect the diversity in our organizations, includes those with experience and those entering the workplace.  Multiple views and levels of experience and appreciation and respect are the ingredients to the future of our systems.


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