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Why do I like grilling so much

Why do I like grilling so much

Growing up the only time we “grilled” was on the big summer holidays; Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day. Occasionally, there were Saturday night steak dinners. I remember us having the standard charcoal grill back in the sixties to the...

The “catch-up” mentality

The “catch-up” mentality

Roadblock to True Achievement “We have to get the students caught up.”  “We are so far behind.”  “We have to test to make sure the kids have met the standards.”  We are hearing these phrases every day on the news, in schools, and in our everyday life. What’s wrong...

What’s that old lady doing in a hot yoga class?

What’s that old lady doing in a hot yoga class?

I walked into my first hot yoga class, prepared with my bottle of water and my yoga mat, excited about my new adventure.  I did beginner yoga and senior citizen classes but was curious about this yoga stuff in a hot room.  I thought that maybe I could sweat off a few...

A Woman’s Wrath

A Woman’s Wrath

Third place in the Jacksonville Author of the Year Contest The building is hauntingly quiet. Outside my room, the hallway is getting dark.  I sit at my desk in my classroom feeling very sad, lonely, and, for certain, missing my old school.  Probably all of the other...

Journey of a new knee

Journey of a new knee

I’m not sure what I expected to happen after my total knee replacement. I know I was afraid of the pain and feared the physical therapy. The night before the surgery, I posted on Facebook, Tomorrow should be interesting. I’m having a total knee replacement, and I hope...

How Ernie helped me make a Thanksgiving pie

How Ernie helped me make a Thanksgiving pie

My mother was, in large part, responsible for my lack of culinary skills. She always shooed me out of the kitchen when she was cooking dinner. Oh, I helped prepare the fresh foods--shucking the corn or shelling peas from their fat pods or snapping off the ends of...

A star in the west not the east

A star in the west not the east

When Koda, my big yellow Labrador, woke me up Monday morning, and I agreed to get out of bed, I did with a sigh as we had been promised another eight to twelve inches of snow. I’m tired of snow, and I was going to have to drive in it whether I wanted to or not. Much...

Mother Lu

Mother Lu

She greeted us at the door Bright and beautiful clothes she wore We could count on a pat or a hug “This pie is all mine,” Lonnie would say with a smug Shopping, Vegas, Casinos, we traveled Watching as Pete’s pockets unraveled Patience with the cherry pie made with...

Did your mother teach you to sew also

Did your mother teach you to sew also

The summer before my brother, who is eight years younger than me, started school, my mom went back to work at J. C. Penny. This meant that I was now responsible for preparing dinner for the family on the days she worked the late afternoon or evening shift. I was so...